The oneups
Since our first show in 2002, we have been traveling the galaxy playing video game music for hungry fans. We have performed at the Penny Arcade Expo (PAX), MAGFest, Game Developer's Conference, and more nerd weddings than we can count. We have been featured on CNN, MSNBC, and numerous print and digital gaming outlets. We served as Yoko Shimomura's (Street Fighter II, Kingdom Hearts, Super Mario RPG) backing band for a performance in Mexico City, have played on stage with both David Wise (Donkey Kong Country, Battletoads) and with Lena Raine (Celeste, Guild Wars 2). Our Mission: To continue to explore the video game music of our youth, to seek out new video game music and new genre possibilities -
To boldly go where no band has gone before...
Electric, Acoustic Guitar / Tim Yarbrough
Classical, Synth Guitar / William Reyes
Synth Bass, Bass / Mustin
Drums, Keyboards / Jared Dunn
Watch more videos and stream every album on Youtube
UPcoming shows
Nothing on the books right now. Need us for your wedding, graduating party, or bat mitzvah? Reach out to us below.

Need to book us for a show? Got a request? Or just want to tell us how much you like us? Shoot us a message below.